CSR Outlook 2023

ESG : Moving Towards Sustainable Future

25 July 2023, Soehanna Hall Jakarta

Leadership Forum

Multi-stakeholder forum with various perspectives related to sustainability issues through the ESG

CSR Outlook Award

Award to give appreciation to companies in implementing CSR governance with the principle of achieving sustainability

Thank you to

200+ participants

See you next year!

About CSR Outlook

CSR Outlook is a media dialogue that involves multi-stakeholders to build positive narratives about CSR discourse as one of the efforts towards sustainable development.

The 2023 theme talks about "Environmental, Social, Governance "ESG" to see how a business will continue to experience dynamic changes along with various existing challenges and opportunities. ESG is a framework that acts as an accelerator to achieve a sustainable future. In this forum, Olahkarsa analyzes the company's efforts to implement ESG in its business processes.


Soehanna Hall, Jakarta


Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Leadership Forum Speakers

Here are some of our speakers

  • Erick Thohir

    Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Republik Indonesia

  • Indah Budiani

    Executive Director IBCSD

  • Angkie Yudhistia

    Presidential Staff for Social Affairs

  • M. Fikri Alhabsie

    Corporate Responsibility Director PT Loreal Indonesia

  • Eka Pebriansyah

    Director of Network, Operations and Sales of PT Pegadaian

  • Shinta Widjaja Kamdani

    Ketua Umum APINDO & CEO Sintesa Group

  • Ir. Sigit Reliantoro, M.Sc

    Dirjen Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan (PPKL) KLHK

  • Wiwin Dewi Herawati

    Chief Marketing Officer & Corporate Communication PT SiCepat Ekspres Indonesia

  • Unggul Ananta

    Co-Founder & CEO Olahkarsa

  • Panji Aziz

    Founder & Partnership Director of Isbanban Foundation

  • Prof Zuzy Anna, S.Si., M.Si

    Director SDGs Center Universitas Padjadjaran

  • Maria R Nindita Radyati, Ph.D

    Founder & President Director Institute for Sustainability and Agility (ISA)

  • Elvia R. Shauki, Ph.D, MBA, CA, BAcc

    Practitioner & Lecture at Universitas Indonesia, and University South of Australia

  • Riki Frindos

    Direktur Eksekutif Yayasan KEHATI

  • Awalia Noor Baroroh

    VP Riset dan Tim ESG PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur

Event Schedule

Here is our event schedule

Open Gate

Keynote Speech

Session 1

Becoming a Better Indonesia in a Sustainable Way

Session 2

ESG: A Growing Imperative for Sustainable Business

Session 3

ESG : Creating long-term Value in Business Strategy

Session 4

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) efforts as part of ESG Strategy

CSR Outlook Award

Awarding session

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

Soehanna Hall, Jakarta

The Energy Building 2nd Fl. SCBD Lot 11A, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia